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Leeds College of Art, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
GiD things is a blogspot for students studying the Graphics, Illustration and Digital Media specialism on the Leeds College of Art Foundation Diploma in Art & Design course. This blog exists to highlight contemporary designers and their practises which are relevant to ongoing studies and topics investigated throughout the course.

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Information is beautiful

We've got a new book in the library called "Information is Beautiful" I recommend you all have a look at it. If the book's on hire to someone else though you can visit the weblog here

Also by the same designer:

Monday, 29 March 2010

Bonafide Mag

Bonafide has changed format and I think it is much better even though I quite liked the old one. Visually very interesting this issue, of particular note is the article about Village Green but also look at Elzo Durt and Jeff Jank. Buy at Jumbo.

Thursday, 25 March 2010


Logorama from Marc Altshuler - Human Music on Vimeo.

Some great great packaging

Found on if you're interested in packaging design this website is a really comprehensive resource.

Saturday, 13 March 2010

Interactive egg timer that asks you to define certain perameters about your egg and then links you to a youtube video to watch for the time it takes to cook your perfect egg.

Thursday, 11 March 2010

Lizzie Stewart

Lizzie Stewart is an illustrator from Edinburgh and is currently showing some work up at the Blenheim building. I thoroughly recommend you go up and see it.

Check out her work at

Sunday, 7 March 2010


Taken from

Core Design has created an exclusive run of 200 hand-crafted jars for the launch of new extra-matured Marmite ‘XO’. A brand iconic in the UK, which has remained virtually unchanged for decades. The new flavour variant has been developed through an innovative social media campaign, creatively directed by The Core.

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Check out the Pomegranate Phone

Why I love...

...Edward Tufte

Paul May
Monday November 8, 2004

The Guardian

Yale professor Edward Tufte takes dull data and turns it into magical and meaningful pictures. Forget those clunky bars and pizza slices you were taught in school, Tufte produces such inventive and even decorative graphs it's enough to have you weeping over your squared paper. And each one helps us understand the world a bit better, or alerts us to the crimes that can be committed when the people with the numbers seek to confuse the have-nots.

Tufte exposes the hidden dangers of misrepresented numbers: how graphs can kill. In his book Visual Explanations he shows how inept graphing of data about the space shuttle paved the way for the Challenger disaster. Throw out the engineer's pretty slides and substitute Tufte's simple curve, and mental warning lights flash. It's not rocket science, after all.

As well as being a provocative writer and teacher, Tufte is an accomplished sculptor. The New York Times has called him "the Leonardo da Vinci of data", and they don't mean the airport. An academic concerned to influence how the real world works, he's happy to confront graphic evil wherever he finds it. His short monograph The Cognitive Style of PowerPoint lays bare the mind-rotting influence of slideware and what it's doing for the quality of communication in business, and increasingly in schools.

Tufte's own illustrations are works of art in themselves, and the discussions in the "Ask E.T." section of his website ( contain some of the liveliest and most thought-provoking material around. Visual information design has an impact everywhere, from road signs to the US's famously confusing "butterfly" ballot papers. Seen through Tufte's eyes, the information blizzard we live in resolves into coherent messages, granting those of us who are number-blind an extra sense and the courage to question the experts.

Measuring Type

A selection of the most commonly used typefaces were compared for how economical they are with the amount of ink which they use at the same point size. Large scale renditions of the typefaces were drawn out with ballpoint pens, allowing the remaining ink levels to display the ink efficiency of each typeface.

Matt Robinson

Continuations on a theme has a gallery of posters from the winter olympics, though obviously not all done by the same person it is a nice little example of exhaustive images on a theme.

The Virtual Revolution

Really good series on the internet's effect on commerce and society. Last night's episode looked at social networking and the week before's investigated online advertising. Click the picture to view.